1.Saves components at start of tape reel.
2. Perfect for Feeder Setup Stations, compatible to all
3.Reduce component lost.
4.Energy saving:reduces operation time and spare part of feeder
Belt *8cm,tape *0mm.
5.The bond between the Tape Extender and the original cover tape is
sufficient to ensure that they will not separate, even after
prolonged time under tension.
6, 8mm: smt cover tape extender 5mm***6mm
*2mm: smt cover tape extender 7mm***6mm
*6mm: smt cover tape extender 9.1mm***6mm
*4mm: smt cover tape extender *8mm***6mm
*2mm: smt cover tape extender *5.3mm***6mm
7, special book **0mm/1m length both.