heavy-duty anti-corrosion,waterproof lining coating system
for interiors and a roof and wall coating system, industrial,
decorative, anti-slide floor and wall coating system,outstanding
protection and buffer on surface of marine facilities including
buoys, ship fenders, floats, dodgem boats and glass fiberhulls,use
as a tough, hard, abrasion resistant tank lining for interior
application. Ideally suited for use in various steel facilities in
chemical and fuel industry,decorative, protective coating system
for EPS, PUF exterior applications,seamless, anti-corrosion coating
system for exterior application of pipeline and large diameter
pipe. Ideally suited for use in various pipes and pipelines,
SPUA-D**0 Water-borne Anticorrosive Primer SPUA-D**0
Solvent-free Epoxy Primer,SPUA-D**0 Sealing Primer for
Concrete,SPUA-D**0 Sealing Primer for Moist Concrete,SPUA-D**0 Low
Temperatrue Curing Primer,SPUA-D**0 Primer for Rubber
Substrate,SPUA-D**0 Primer for Plastic Substrate