*5 plus BLCO Offers on The Table.
We currently have over *1 offers for BLCO which include CIF, TTO,
TTT and FOB both Naira and Dollar Deals. All dollar deals are *2/8
for TTO and *0/6 for CIF ASWP.
We have Free Boarding with a little commitment from the Buyer to
show seriousness.
We have 1 million barrel Naira for TTO Deal with Good discount.
We have 1 million barrel for TTO Dollar Deal with $ *2/4.
We have 2 million barrel for TTO Naira Deal with Good discount.
We have 2 million barrel for TTO Dollar Deal with $ *2/4.
We have 1 or 2 million barrel for TTT Naira Deal with Good
discount. *6/4 Small commitment for NOR.
We have 1 or 2 million barrel for TTT Dollar Deal with $ *2/4.
little commitment for NOR
We have 1 or 2 million barrel for CIF ASWP Dollar Deal with Good
discount. *0/6
We have 1 or 2 million Barrels for FOB Dollar Deal with Good
discount. *3/4
We have Bulk Allocation CIF
We have Bulk Allocation FOB
Your Buyer can only buy in Metric Tons on CIF, TTO, TTT and FOB. We
can make that happen as well.
We have BLCO in whatever way your buyer will need it. But
there has to be a little commitment from your buyer to show
seriousness. A conditions that when we do our part, your buyer will
definately buy the product. Without that, don\'t call, because
nobody is making any money if a buyer does not buy or is not
willing to buy...
Serious Buyers or Buyer\'s Mandate should contact me