Whole soybeans are used as food in tropical Africa and Asia.
Western countries are a new market for soya food (exotic foods,
soybean milk, tofu, etc.). The beans are used to make flour, milk,
tofu and tofu-like products. They may be roasted and eaten as a
snack, or fermented to make tempeh, miso, yuba and soy
sauce. Soybeans are also used for animal feeding due to their
high oil (*0%) and protein content (*0%). They are the richest in
protein of all the common seeds used for animal feeding. Raw
soybeans are usually processed in order to improve their
nutritional value, either by removing antinutritional factors or by
making the protein less degradable for ruminants. Treatments
include many types and combinations of heat (dry or moist) and
pressure, such as toasting and extrusion. Full-fat soybeans sold
for specialty uses are often marketed under a brand name.