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  • Solar photovoltaic module 550 watt monocrystalline photovoltaic panel industrial and commercial marine RV home power generation panel

    Solar photovoltaic module 550 watt monocrystalline photovoltaic panel industrial and commercial marine RV home power generation panel

    ​参数可定制 功率:**0瓦 最大功率(W):**0W 最大电源电压(V):*1.*2 最大功率电流(A):*3.*5 开路电压(V):*0.*1 短路电流(A):*4.*3 元件转换效率(%):*1.4% 输出功率公差(w):0~*5 尺寸:***8****4**0/*5mm 保质期:*5年...

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  • Dongguan Juan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
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