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  • B0505S-1WR3


      隔离电压:***0Vdc 隔离 工作温度:**5°C**5°C 性能稳定,高可靠性 MTBF≥**0万小时       DC-DC电源模块/***0V隔离 固定电压输入/非稳压单路输出/1WR3       阻燃封装 符合 UL**-V0 要求 国...

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  • Luoding Ruilute Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Subject should be between 10 to 255 characters230 / 255
  • Characters Remaining: 3000 / 3000
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How to Post Inquiries

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Provide as much information as possible to receive a detailed response. For example:

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- Best Price
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From optional details, select what would you additionaly like to know from sellers.

Mention the required quantity that will assist sellers to give you best competitive quotes.

Ask for any other information you find appropriate.