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  • Quality and Sell ACMECS Project.

    Quality and Sell ACMECS Project.

    Uvava Trading PTY LTD has evolved in the retail space from a stalwart warehouse chain to now being able to offer customers a convenient online shopping hub. Makro offers food, the latest electronics, houseware, camping and outdoor equipment and even liquor. A total of *2 Uvava Trading PTY LTD stores trade in South Africa, bringing convenience and affordability to local households and businesse...

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  • Uvava Trading PTY LTD
     South Africa
  • Subject should be between 10 to 255 characters209 / 255
  • Characters Remaining: 3000 / 3000
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How to Post Inquiries

Introduce yourself and your company.

Indicate your requirements.
Provide as much information as possible to receive a detailed response. For example:

- Quantity
- Size
- Best Price
- Port

From optional details, select what would you additionaly like to know from sellers.

Mention the required quantity that will assist sellers to give you best competitive quotes.

Ask for any other information you find appropriate.