Biometric Time & Attendance System is the most secure and
convenient to tracking the employees punching time.
Compugraphs is among the most expertise solution provider using
this technology.
We are providing our own PC based Time Attendance Software
(TimeTrack) application that will automatically create timesheets
for each employee. That Automated Time & Attendance software
(TimeTrack) allows companies to track and evaluate the
performance and work activities of employees using a single
software application. TimeTrack enables employers to store, track
and organise the most important employee time related information
in one place.
This can also be invaluable for ensuring regulatory compliance
with working regulations and proof of attendance.
Time & Attendance System Prices vary depending on needs, with
a small business system costing from Rs.***0 to onwards and
larger systems supporting many complex functions costing from
Rs.****0 to onwards.