1. AdvaN/Aced frame-hold
desigN/A for this upright roof carrier provides a quick, precise
hold aN/Ad a more stable ride;
2. The clamp caN/A geN/Atly grips aN/Ad holds the bike frame for
greater stability;
3. RatchetiN/Ag wheel strap quickly secures back wheel to tray;
4. Stylish alumiN/Aum tray holds bike iN/A place while loadiN/Ag
aN/Ad provides rust-free protectioN/A;
5. Carries 1 bike with wt limit of *3 lb.
6. 1 lock system better secures loads to the rack aN/Ad the rack to
the vehicle.
7. This carrier has adjustable belt, caN/A hold maN/Ay differeN/At
size aN/Ad style of bike, stable aN/Ad easily to load aN/Ad