red bloodworm is a natural nutritious food for all fish
species. Contains a balanced set of nutrients : protein
, lipids and carbohydrates, amino acids lysine, histidine ,
arginine , threonine , serine , proline , glycine , alanine ,
phenylalanine , valine , methionine , leucine , isoleucine ,
tyrosine , aspartic acid and glutamic - all these elements
provide an excellent vitality of the fish. The feed also
enhances a natural color of fish. Ideal as additional or
basic nutrition.
sun-dried bloodworm (**0%)
Feeding instructions:
For optimal nutrition it is highly recommended to feed your
pets several times a day with small portions, which can be
eaten by fish in a few minutes. During the feeding it is
necessary to dissipate the food all over the water surface.
Large flakes can be kept in your fingers to learn your fish to
eat right from your hands . It is not advisable to remain
uneaten food in the aquarium: uneaten food is the cause of
water pollution and many fish diseases.