Cold Briquetted Iron and Carbon (CBIC) is an
innovative product in direct reduction industry that has been
introduced with the aim of providing the best solution for
passivation of Cold Direct Reduced Iron (CDRI). CBIC as the
compacted form of CDRI has some advantages over CDRI which
include higher density, higher oxidation resistance, lower
environmental reactivity and flexible carbon content. These
advantages not only make its storage and shipment easier and more
economic but also, have significant effects on its steelmaking
behavior. Moreover, because of higher crushing
strength and abrasion resistance of CBIC over CDRI, rate of fine
and dust generation during its storage and handling would be
remarkably lower which is more favorable, technically and
Experiments have shown that replacing CDRI
with CBIC in the charge regime of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and
Induction Furnace (IF) steelmaking process reduces dust
generation, electric energy consumption and tap-to-tap time and
improves the productivity of steelmaking plant. Furthermore,
another advantage of CBIC compared to CDRI and HBI is its
adjustable carbon content according to the steelmaking furnace