Ekki Azobe Railway Sleepers are available supplied to buyer
dimensions ie **5x**0x***0/***0mm.
Fenders (Marine) - We can fabricate dock fenders to meet any
Specialized Cuts - If you need precision end trimmed (PET),
notched, mitred, counter-bored, chamfered, surfaced or shaped
timbers, we can do it!
Crane Mats - Made from Ekki -
Crane Mats (Wedge) - Ideal for climbing from level ground
onto a crane mat.
Scientific Name: Lophira Alata
Family: Ochnaceae
Other names: Ghana- Kaku, Gabon Akoura, Ivory CoastAzobe,
Nigeria Ekki, Cameroon Bongossi.
Ekki grows in West Africa from Sierra Leone to Nigeria and
Cameroon and is a tree of the heavy rain forests and swamps.
The tree
Ekki is a large tree, attaining a height of *5 to *0m and a
diameter of 1.5m.
The timber
The sapwood is pale pink and sharply defined from the
heartwood, which is red-brown to dark brown with a somewhat
speckled appearance due to white deposits in the pores. The
grain is usually interlocked and the texture is coarse. The
wood is extremely hard and heavy, weighing **0 to ***0 kg/m3
when dried.
Kiln drying
Very difficult to dry and generally shakes badly; serious
degrade is likely, especially surface checking and end
splitting. Ekki needs to be piled with special care.
Very resistant to decay and one of the most durable woods yet
known in West Africa.
Working qualities
Very difficult to work using hand tools but can be worked
with less trouble, by machines. Nailing requires
Suitable for heavy construction especially wharves, bridge
building and
decking, sleepers, flooring - especially heavy duty flooring.
It is ideal for all forms of marine work for piling, sea
defences and jetties and any use where high strength and
durability is a prime requirement.
■ Require minimal maintenance
■ Provide an extended life without the need for preservative
■ Good weather tolerant qualities
■ Good vandal resistance
■ Good fire retardant characteristics