Our company is leading supplier of Interactive Voting System. We
have Interactive Voting System.
Our Main Product Line:
* Wireless Radio Frequency Audience Response System
* Audience & Personal Response System (PRS & ARS)
* Power Vote Easy System
* Interactive Voting System
* Interactive Audience Voting System With USB Receiver
Power Vote is a voting solution, a real-time sounding-out system,
that allows its users to survey the participants of an assembly
by asking them questions and collecting their answers thanks to
individual voting keypads. Fully integrated into PowerPoint, the
results are graphically displayed instantaneously, rendering the
meeting interactive! Power Vote constitutes a tool perfectly
suited to education and professional training, as well as to
marketing, communication and events-planning operations. At the
world level, business meetings cost some $**0 billion annually.
Power Vote increases the productivity of your meetings and helps
you improve your competitiveness, while introducing a form of
electronic democracy into your assemblies. In this manner, these
small voting keypads meet both the company’s institutional goals
and its operational marketing needs:
With Power Vote, your meetings become more productive and
effective, thanks to the participative and controlled procedure
that you set up.
Distributed to all participants, the Power Vote voting
keypads allows you to organise interactive meetings for groups
of *0 to 1,**0 or more people!
A laptop computer equipped with PowerPoint is all you need
to make use of the Power Vote solution.