APPLICATION 2 PfG ***9/*8.***7 covers the single core flexible cables (wires) used in DC sides of photovoltaic system which max. permissible DC voltage is 1.8kV(line to line, non ground system). The product is applicable to the environment which safety degree is under Class II,and it can be parallel used.
CABLE STANDARDS The product is manufactured according to the 2 PfG ***9/*8.***7The Requirements of Photovoltaic Cable"standard. And our product own the TUV Rheinland Certificate.
The electrical and dimensional properties of this product aremeasured by the Technical and Quality Assurance department at the JiangNan Cables laboratory. Cable performance in respect of conductor resistance, construction quality (workmanship),dimensional consistency, and other parameters are verified to published standards and approved
CHARACTERISTICS Rated Voltage AC 0.6/1kV; DC 1.8kV Conductor: Number of conductors:1 Conductor Type:class 5 according to EN ****8 Cross-sectional Area:***5mm2 Insulation & Sheath: Halgogen Free Material Operating temperature:**0~*0℃ Max. short circuit temperature: ***0℃; Max. Conductor temperature:**0℃; Service life shall not be less than *5 years; Ozone resistant and acid-resistant; Good insulation resistance; Good performance of cols bend and cold winding; Low-smoke; Environmentally friendly,conforms to RoHS compliant. Ambient temperature of installation Not less than **0℃ Permissible bending radius 4 times of cable diameter