Model QTZ ***3 Tower crane free standing height *9m, working range *0 m, Tip load 1.3T, Max loading capacity 5T. Max attaching height **0m and mast section size 1.*5 ...
Hoist composition: CPU Integrate all the hardware circuits CPU, A/D conversion, EEPROM, signal amplifier, controller, power supplyetc. of the system into one board, and design nbs...
We are the manufacturer of tower crane this model is use for the construction of medium size project technical details are as.
Free standing height *2m, Jib lengt...
Specification: Free standing height *2m, working arm length *0m, Tip load 0.8T Max loading capacity. Mast section size of crane is 1.*6 1.*6 2.2m and the maximum attach...
TOWER CRANE QTZ ***0 Tower crane model QTZ***0 specification: Free standing height of *2m, Jib length consists of *5m Tip load 1T, Max load 4t. The Max attaching height **0m and Mast section size ...
This product is also available on Amazon for retail.
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Tower Crane QTZ***8 is suitable for constructing buildings projects, power plants, road projects and also suitable for docks. Having free standing height of *0 m, with w...
Sell Tower Crane QTZ ***8B.
Model QTZ***8B having maximum loading capacity of 3 Tons, Tip load 0.8 Tons, working area range *2 meters, free standing height of ...
This tower crane can be used in that situation where number of tower cranes work. Specifications are as: Mast section size 2x2x3, maximum attaching height 1...
Tower crane model QTZ***0, specification: Max hoisting weight *0 t, tip load *0 t, Jib length of the crane *0 m, free standing height of crane *6.6 m. The max...
This tower crane has ability to provide Maximum attaching height of **0 m, with free standing height of *2 m, Max loading capacity *0 ton. Working range of crane...
Model: QTZ **5 Tower crane Specification: Free standing height *6.2 m, Jib length of *3 m, mast section area of crane 1.**7x1.**7x2.8 and the maximum loading capacity are *0 tons
This product is also available on Amazon for retail.
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Tower Crane QTZ ***6:
Model QTZ ***6: Maximum attaching height **0m, *0 meters of free standing height, Jib length *6 meters, max loading capacity 6 8 T with Tip load of 1.6 T.
Tower Crane QTZ ***3
Model: QTZ***3. Working area range *3 m, supporting mast section size 1.*5x1.*5x2.5m, crane standing height *5 m and the maximum loading capacity 6 tons.
Tower Crane QTZ ***6
Model QTZ***6 this crane having maximum loading capacity of 6 Tons, crane standing height *5 meters, Jib length *3 meters, mast area section of crane consist o...
Luffing Tower Crane D **0
Model D **0: This Luffing tower has a maximum load capacity of *2.8 Tons, Tip load 2.9 Tons, crane standing height *0 meters, jib length *0 meters,the mast sectio...
Model: D **0, Luffing Tower Crane having free standing height of *2 m, JIB length of *0 meters, max loading capacity *2 ton, Tip load 3 T and the mast section area:2x2x3.
We are tower crane manufacturers: Model: QTZ PT **5 Topless Tower Cranes having mast section area 1.**7x1.**7x2.8, working range of *6 m, maximum loading capacity of 8 tons with Tip loading capacit...
QTZ PT ***0
Model QTZ PT ***0 Technical Details: Free standing height: *0m, working range of *0m, Tip load: 1T Maximum load 6 T, Max attaching height: **0m and Mast section size: 1.*5 1.*5...