Pest Friends Termite Pest Control is a reputable pest management company that specializes in dealing with termites and a wide range of pest control services in Tucson. The professionals striv...
**0 ECO-FriendlyNON-CHEMICALPortableNo harm to human or petsChina Design Patent: ZL ***3 3 ******7.7
3 Speaker PESTREPELLER consists of two efficient high frequency generators, transducer and dual speakers, to drive rodents and insects away electronically and intensively The device is...
Multifunctional Pest Repeller Item NO.:AN-B**9 1. Taking the most advanced pest control technology, not only repel various of pests but also can make the multifunctional pest repeller as an ...
Al Waha Hygiene is the best pest control and facilities services company in UAE. We are the Tadweer Certified and Dubai Approved Services Company. We offer pest Control, Disinfection services...
Special features: 1. The electric mouse trap uses a high-voltage shock to instantly kill mouse as long as it gets into the trap, but purely no pain to them, no chance of letting it get away Wh...
Special Features: 1. Non-toxic, eco-friendly, safe and easy to wash 2. Just hang or place where you see themoths flying around. Comes withastring to hang 3. Simple and fast...
Special Features: 1. Very easy to install, doesn t require any digging 2. Powerful scissor-jaw trap is easily triggered by tunneling pests, no baitneeded 3. Durable, reusable and ...
Vatop Mouse Trap Product Name: Vatop Small Size ABS Mouse Trap Product Size: *7.3 6.2 6.5cm Product Net Weight: **6g Product Color: Brown Green Blue Yellow Gray Pink Transparent Ma...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Regardless of whether the orchard is planting apples, grapes, pears, cherries, persimmons, etc., it is difficult to avoid being eaten by birds and pecked during the fruit ripening ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Bird damage has always been one of the headaches of fruit growers. Due to the destruction of birds, fruit growers around the world face crop losses almost every year. Unlike ...
Birds problems: Regardless of whether the orchard is planting apples, grapes, pears, cherries, persimmons, etc., it is difficult to avoid being eaten by birds and pecked during the fruit ripening ...
Birds problems: Regardless of whether the orchard is planting apples, grapes, pears, cherries, persimmons, etc., it is difficult to avoid being eaten by birds and pecked during the fruit ripening ...
Termites can lower your home s value. Moreover, untreated termites can eat through expensive furniture and hamper your cash flow. Therefore, it s crucial to call a professional pest control...
Features 1.Strong adhesive, no escape once be...
Hanging Flying Rolls Fly Ribbon Catcher Sticky Glue Trap Fly Trap Tape Features 1.It is easy to use fly catcher. 2.No baiting, no poisons, no vapors, no mess. 3.It is environmental protection. Us...
ultrasonic pest repeller
auxiliary AC outlight
night light
harmless to humans and pets, environmentally-friendly.
Low power consumption