LiH Stationery Manufacturer is professional company providing materials, tools and device for artists We offer good quality, competitive price, timely delivery, prompt service to our custom...
    This product is also available on Amazon for retail. More Detail
    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, bitte erlauben Sie uns, wie folgt zu offerieren: Ware: Brikett ohne Loch Form: Zylinder Holz: Kiefer Lnge: ca.**0mm ...
    This product is also available on Amazon for retail. More Detail
    Different shapes Size for Plastic Aluminium Palette The Main Self-Producing Items -Professional, Educational, Kids Craft, Comestics Brushes -Silicon Brushes -Flat Paint Brushe...
    Cultural and educational supplies supply *6.5 CM plastic brushes and wood sticks brush Pictures 1:*6. 5 CM plastic stem brush Picture 5 CM. 2:*6 wood sticks black brus...
    Firewood: Hornbeam Diameter ***8 cm, lenth ****3 cm, moisture to ****5 . Packing: 2RM Palette: ***0x***0x***0 mm Truck load: *0 boxes Firewood:...


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    Latvian firewood.Humidity ****5 , Lenght*****5 cm, broad leaved spieces, packed in the 1m3, 2m3 palettes or sacks


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    VPS ***5 Technical data: - Lenth mm ***0 - Width mm ***0 - Hight mm ***0 - Weight kg ***0 - Toll usef...


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    We produce all models and size of wooden just mail us if you need more information


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    We are Lithuanian company. We produce fresh or dried firewood for export to Europe. Our offer are 2 cubic meters boxes with the same kind of wood palette **0x**5x**5 . Kind of wood: ...


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    euro palett producer exporter, located in south serbia. first dilivery aviable in may xxxxx


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    In the process of preparation this hair has been chemically treated. The cuticle has been removed to ensure proper colour and texture. The hair comes with a silicone layer for enhanced protection. ...


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