联系人 Ms. Janet
Niujiao Industrial District, Fusha Town,, zhongshan, Guangdong,China
Detail Product Description: Steady state light output: ***0 lumens typical, bulb type dependant Expected ballast lift: ***0hrs Radiated EMI susceptibility: S*5/*4/EC Steady state output power: *5W Open lamp circuit protection: Latch off after 1 second Shot circuit protection: Latch off after 1 second Maximum output power: *0W Maximum output current: 8A initial lamps on, 3A next 2 secs. Steady state output volts: *5V Striking voltage: ****0V Steady state input voltage: ***6V Max in rush current: *@********************decreasing to steady state within *0 secs. Reverse voltage protection: No damage to ballast with **0V Efficiency: Over *0% during steady status Input turn on: 9V and above Input turn off: Below 8V Max steady state input power: *5W (***6V) Model:H1, H3, H7, H*1, H*3, ***4/***7, ***5/***6, **0/**1, D2 S/R