联系人 Ms. david
simen town, yuyao, zhejiang
TO USE the PotMover you simply roll the rubber-tipped buffers up to the side of the pot and lower the grabber arms onto the edge of the pot. NOW when you tilt back the trolley, the pot will float clear of the ground, and you can effortlessly roll it to its new location. - A FOLD-OUT footplate is designed-in which will provide extra support when bouncing pots down steps or over kerbs. Since this reduces the pressure on the side wall of the pot, you may also choose to engage it when moving antique or particularly brittle pots. - WHEN MOVING moving thin-walled plastic pots, or other containers made from brittle or fragile materials, fit the rubber caps provided over the pointed tips of the metal hooks. (Always ensure that the side wall is strong enough to carry the weight of the pot.) - THE BASE of the PotMover incorporates a stand which allows it to remain upright when you leave it for a moment in between lifts. You won**9;t have to bend down and pick it up each time.