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联系人 Mr. carson
RM1405A,No.511, TIANMU Rd(W).,, shanghai, china
1. Produced in China 2. Introduction: when vehicle coming to gate, It can use underground with loop coil of change of frequency It also use one by one (1 loop coil into ground easily detected by 1 loop detector. When detector completely set up once time. It is not affected by any change of temperature, humidity, and no ***** has installed AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL) It can easily control by automatic frequency itself 3. Specification 1)Supply power : AC **0V/**0V, �ñ*0%, *0/*0HZ , DC *2V/*4V 2)Consuming power : normal 1.0W, operation 3.6W 3)Operating temperature : **0 -�ñ*0C, humidity *0%**5% 4)Size : **5mm(H) �? *5mm(W) �?*1mm(D) 5)Quality of material : aluminum, aluminum 6)Weight : **2g 4. Function 1) detection method : Pass detection mode( Frequency change mode) 2) detection range : All of vehicle 3) sensing range : LOOP COIL width over vehicle space distance 4) detection speed : 0Km***0Km/h 5) sensitivity: High sensitivity - Low sensitivity ( 8 Level) 6) Alignment : Automatic alignment system 7) timer function : ***4 Second control the time by option 8) Reset function : Reset bottom when error occur (Automatic:*0 SEC, Manual:Option) 9) Output singnal : No power relay (PRESENT RELAY and PULSE RELAY) ************************************************************************- Shanghai Zomtech science technology Co., Ltd. (CHINA) Tel: *************7 *******7 Fax:*************2 M.P.: *************5 E-mail: *@********************