Cure Vitiligo Oil is pure natural oil and its formulation consists of several herbal extracts blended together in a specific proportion to treat Vitiligo effectively. Treatment with Cure Vitiligo Oil is easy and the re-pigmentation results achieved are not only rapid but also permanent. The treatment with Cure Vitiligo Oil is absolutely side effect free. The history of its curative success spreads over centuries and so far over millions of patients have taken advantage of our herbal remedy. Cure Vitiligo Oil is our **0% Guaranteed and Clinically Proven Permanent Cure for this distressful disease (Leucoderma). Cure Vitiligo Oil contains absolutely no steroids, photo-sensitizing chemicals and harsh irritating substances and its use is fully guaranteed. In case you remain unsatisfied with the improvement in your skin condition, you may simply return the empty packaging and claim a refund of the amount you paid *****