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联系人 Mr. Jay
Vordersteig 12- D-76275, Ettlingen, BadenWurttemberg
Queen Marys Brinsmead Grand Piano Wedding Gift from the Brinsmead Family ***3 This beautiful inlaid and carefully designed Grand was made by John Brinsmead and Sons and presented to her Royal Majesty on her Wedding day in ***3. John Brinsmead went out of his way to create this beautiful piano. The piano was delivered to Buckingham Palace and was listed in the Buckingham Royal Collection in the same year, however, how and when it left Buckingham is still a mystery. It is in my belief that since Queen Mary was known for loaning out certain pieces of jewelry and furniture, this may have been the result of how the piano ended up where it is today. This piano was also listed on the Royal Wedding list from the same year with a sketch of what the piano looked like. Also, we have found an article from and interview made by the Brinsmead family that says that the piano was indeed a piano to be given as a gift to HRH Queen Mary on her wedding day. A photo that is shown in this article was taken in the delivery hall of Buckingham Palace. The piano case is made of Rosewood form of Harpsichord, with inlays of exotic woods making the decoration of the case surrounding the carved ivory Musical Scenes. Case Measures **0 cm long. Piano stands on a trestle base stand ended in brass casters. Base legs as well are all designed to match piano. The records from Buckingham Palace list this piano as a piece of the Buckingham Royal Collection pieces from ***3.