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联系人 Mr. David
No.7 Jiananjie, Beijing Economic Technological Development Area, Beijing
The cold rolling mill can produce **0.*5mm thickness strip from **8mm thickness of alumiunium casting strip or hot rolled strip through multi-passes rolling. The rolling mill is equipped with advanced Automatic Gauge Control (AGC) system with complete plate shape controlling method, which can have many controlling methods such as rolls tilting working rolls positive and negative bending controlling, rollâs cooling distributed as per sections. The advanced Automatic Flat Control(AFC) can be equipped as per client requirement to obtain maximize precision on the thickness and shape of the plateï&frac*4; the rolling mill is of high degree automation level and ID motor can be all controlled by advanced all digital silicon control power supply. PLC ( programmable controller)is adopted to implement advanced digital logical calculation and parameters preset, automatic control etc. apart from above, the rolling mills are all equipped with various complete auxiliary systemsï&frac*4;such as advanced filter system with pre-coating plate, safety and reliable CO2 automatic fire fighting system, lubrication system, dry air blowing device, fume recovery device, accurate strip correct measuring system etc, which have reliably guaranteed to produce excellent products. Main technical parameters for equipment Item Name Technical parameters Rolling mill parameters Material Rolled ***0, ***0, ***0, ***0 series, Incoming material thickness mm ***8 Product thickness mm **0.*5 Work roll Dia. mm ï¿ ******0 Back up roll Dia. mm ï¿ *******0 Strip width mm *******0 Coil weight g ***0 - ****0 Rolling speed m/min *******0 Rolling method Un-reversible Electric control system ABB SIEMENS, AB, Schneider Typical mill ï¿ **0/ï¿ **0Ã********0ï&frac*4;ï¿ **0/ï¿ ******0Ã********0ï&frac*4; ï¿ **0/ï¿ ***0Ã********0ï&frac*4;ï¿ ******0/ï¿ ***0Ã********0 ï¿ **0/ï¿ ***0Ã***0; ï¿ **0/ï¿ **0/ï¿ ********0