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Drinking mineralized water is the best way to be more healthy and beautiful. Mineral Energy Cup used for Mineral - Energizing Water, Juices, Herb Teas, Natural Homeopathic Remedies, Oils, and Creams. The 4 Biomagnets build in this Cup are made from Natural Material and has a Life Time Guaranty to Never Loose it**9;s Mineral Properties. The inside of this Cup is: Non-Toxic, Hypoallergenic, Non-Inert but Natural mineral Material. The high grade mineral composition radiates negative ions in water, carrying a weak electric current to adjust the ion balance of the inner body, which convert free radicals in the body to ordinary oxygen, remove toxic and preserve beauty enhance the Immunocompetence Defer aging, improve the digestive system. This promotes the cell**9;s self-renewal function, restraining the body**9;s oxygenation and aging. Why we choose nano enenrgy cup ? Alkaline water benefits our body because it can neutralize the pH inside our body that is acidic. Let**9;s elaborate more about the benefit of the water. Alkaline water is water that has pH above the neutral value. Since our normal neutral pH is 7, the alkaline condition is achieved when the water has pH over 7. Our body sometimes gets too acidic as resulted from our diet. We drink soft drinks, we eat junk foods or processed foods and other waste foods, and those can also build an acidic condition to our body. This condition may cause the increase of chance for us of getting sick because of diseases. This is something that we surely do not expect at all. For example on how bad this acidic condition can be seen on a patient who has a cancer. His/her body is acidic to some extents. The optimum pH in our body is pH 6.9 to 7.2, therefore when our body is acidic, alkaline water benefits us by reacting with substances causing acidic to produce a more neutral pH. Neutral pH is aimed to maintain a condition that is not suitable for diseases. Water that is alkaline, better more is alkalin