â CPU:RK ***9 **0MHZ â Display: 7"c-paper LCD screen resolution:**0***0 â RAM:**6MB â Extension slot: TF card(can be up to *6G) â Music : MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, AACï&frac*4;APE â Memory:**8G for optional(the charge does not included in the quotation) â Image : JPG, BMP â Text : TXTãEPUBãFB2ãHTMLãPDBãPDF formats â Vedio:MKVãAVIãRMãRMVBãVOBãDATãMP4ãFLVã3GP .WMV with **0P â FM Radio â Language:*8 kinds of multiple language â Battary: Li-Polymer ***0mAh â dimension:**6mmÃ**3mmÃ*2mm â Weight: **0g