联系人 Ms. Amanda
Development Zone, Hengshui, Hebei
Gabion Gabions are cages, cylinders, or boxes filled with soil or sand that are used in civil engineering, road building, and military application. The protective coating is typically either: heavily zinc galvanised wire as above plus heavy duty PVC coating galmac (galfan) coated with a *5%Zinc + 5% Aluminium Mischmetal Alloy as above plusheavy duty PVC coating Advantages of Gabions: Permeability of the front face, ensuring drainage of backfill and no hydrostatic pressures behind the wall Flexibility, ensures the woven mesh gabions accommodate different setlements unlike rigid systems, for example, welded mesh cages Ease of construction One of the most economical retaining systems on the market Incorporation as required of vegetation throughout the structure Versatility, as the structure can be formed with a vertical, battered or stepped front face as required Applications: The most common civil engineering use of gabions is to stabilize shorelines or slopes against erosion. Other uses include retaining walls, temporary floodwalls, to filter silt from runoff, for small or temporary/permanent dams, river training, channel lining. They may be used to direct the force of a flow of flood water around a vulnerable structure. Gabions are also used as fish barriers on small streams. Soil erosion is an ever present problem and gabions have proved to be a lasting solution around the world. The lasting appeal of gabions lies in their inherent flexibility.