Diflubenzuron dispersible powder is in general compatible with
other pesticides in various formulations. However, mixtures are
desired to use by preference dispersible powder formulations...In
any case each mixture should first be tested on physical
Diflubenzuron is benzoylurea insecticide and can interfere with the
formation of insect chitin. Action as contact and stomach poison,
it is strong larvicide and ovicide and has special efficacy on
lepidopterous pests. Applied at dosage rates of *0 to *0 grams
active ingredient perhectare, diflubenzuron can effectively prevent
and cure the lepidopterous, coleopterous and dipterous pests on
economic crops (such as citrus, tea, apple etc. ), vegetables,
tobaccos, forestry, ardens and cereal crops (such as wheat maize
etc. ). For sample: Rush mites, geometrids, pine caterpillars, tent
caterpillars, poplar tussock moths, cabbage butter flies, Asiatic
apple leaf-miners, weevils, army worms, borers etc.
CAS No: *********5
Specification: *5%TC, *5%WP, *0%SC, 5�.