TRANZIL web tension
controller stores the last output voltage to Brake / Motor,
whenever machine is stopped or power Off takes place it starts the
machine with old memorized value, which gives least variation in
the tension, gives the leading edge. APPLICATIONS In
All Continuous Web Processing Machines. Roto Gravure Printing
Machine. Flexo Graphic Printing Machines. Plastic Films Lamination
Machines. Slitting Machines. Paper Manufacturing Machines.
Continuous Stationary Presses. Paper Slitters & Rewinders.
Foils Processing Machines. Magnetic & Adhesive Tapes Machines.
Blown Films Extrusion / Tabing
FEATURES Optically isolated
Digital inputs. Electrically isolated load cell signal with
separate power supply for stable result. Electrically isolated
output Analogue voltage. Design to sustain wide power variations
without disturbing the performance. Under voltage tripping
circuitry. Relay change over to other interlocking. External
interlocking possible. Separate card for interface. Master card
isisolated to sustain any external misuse.
FRC Cable system for handy and neat system. Separate power supply
card & transformer for Brake
In Printing, Reduction In Linear & Side Registration Problem.
Reduction In Web Breakage. Reduction In Problems Of Highly
Disturbed Rolls At Unwinding. Considerable Reduction In Wastage Of
Costly Processing Material. On Rewinding Avoid Telescopic Winding,
Hence Obtain Tight And Transportable
Rolls.Short Pay Back