Collector using arc discharge, the overall appearance beautiful,
changed the traditional design concept of the big slope, reducing
the height of the roof solar collector, the solar and building a
better combination.
Collector header to shrink the distance between the shortest
connection with SUS**4 stainless steel pipe, gaskets with Solatube
Solar Energy specific non-asbestos gasket.
3. To
change the design of conventional thinking, the collector design of
water supply pipes to a minimum, the collector and return water
pipeline completely empty, cancel the band antifreeze, thus greatly
reducing the energy consumption.
4. System
piping insulation for the double, the inner layer is *0mm thick
glass cotton; outer layer of *0mm thick high rubber. Outside the
protection of galvanized iron, outdoor water supply lines to solve
congestion problems in winter often freeze.
5. The
system in six rooftop water tanks, water points concentrated in a
layer, without the use of the water booster pump, reducing energy
consumption. That only the circulating pump for hot water piping
0.5KW cycle, to achieve the water is hot.
6. The
system will minimize the length of the band, and multi-point
temperature, the winter frost line to minimize the failure and
energy consumption.