What is flexibag
container is special equipment for
transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes, using the standard
**-foot sea or railway container.
flexibag container is a special, soft and tight
tank with volume from *4 up to *4 thousand
containeris produced from plastic material. In
combined condition it occupies just 0,*5 cubic
· How
it works?
containershould be installed in
**-foot container which can be provided by our company or you can
use your own container. Installation of
flexibag container
takes ****0 minutes. Then container will be ready to load your
cargo. Installation of FLEXITANK can be made both on the container
terminal, and in a place of loading. After installation you will
just need to connect your connecting device to FLEXITANK. Using the
pump you can start loading. Loading takes ****0 minutes depending
on type of a cargo and the pump. After loading is finished the
container with FLEXITANK and with your cargo is ready to travel.
The container can be transported by road, railway or sea. The
container with your cargo can be delivered to any point worldwide.
In place of destination you or your partners can unload a cargo
quickly and without any losses. For this you will need just the
pump. After unloading is finished, FLEXITANK can be utilized, as it
is disposable.
· What
it is possible to transport?
flexibag containeris
possible to transport almost any of non-hazardous liquids, both
technical, and food application. Here is incomplete list of
products which can be transported in flexibag
Foodstuff: food, edible and animal oils and fats (liquid and
solid), juices concentrates, juices, syrups, water, treacle, food
additives, pharmaceutical oils, malt, sorbitol.
Technical stuff: technical and industrial oils, technical
additives, synthetic pitches, liquid cleaning means, emulsions,
glycerin, some kinds of paints, ink, fertilizers, latex,
transformer oils etc.
Some liquids have properties to get thick during storage or at
downturn of temperature. This will not allow to make effective
unloading of a cargo. For this purpose we use heating pad which is
installed together with FLEXITANK. It is used just before start of
unloading using steam or hot water inside. This allows to increase
temperature of a cargo.
· Advantages.
container is an alternative to
such standard transportations as tank-containers, railway or road
tanks, drums and other way of transportation.
Basic advantages of FLEXITANK:
1. You
will significantly reduce expenses for transportation. In
comparison with tank-container you will pay just for one way
freight of the **-foot container. There is no need to return
container and pay for this. The economy can be more than **0 Euro
per one transportation.
2. You
use FLEXITANK as packaging for the cargo. In comparison with cost
of drums or other capacities you save not less than ****0
3. You
save up to *0 % of time for loading and unloading of the
4. No
need to clean FLEXITANK after transportation as it is
5. You
reduce losses of a cargo during unloading. As comparison - losses
during unloading from FLEXITANK are 0.1 %, when during unloading
from drums losses are 1 %.
6. You
will increase volume of a cargo for transportation. In comparison
with the standard packaging as drums and canisters ?volume can be
increased up to *0 %.
7. The
cargo is delivered door to door? without intermediate