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Wuhan, Hubei
Os-easy card-free totally destroyed many restrictions, it authorizes students to create personal study environment by system technology, furthermore, it doesn’t affect the whole OS recovery and maintenance. Course designing、graduate designing、different students teaching is not the problem for PC maintenance anymore!
New technologies like Virtual System、add clone、single system and multi channel、multi accounts management、assets management , make OS-easy card-free to be the new pole of recovery card industry!
Create Virtual Systems at
Virtual System allows to create **2
virtual systems in real protected OS in Client PCs for reserve
students' data, creating a virtual system only needs several
second, and it doesn’t occupy HDD space. The changed data of
virtual system will be permanent reserved, and it doesn’t affect
the real operating system's recovery and
ADD clone
Without reference to the Client PC's
HDD size or data was the same or not, vary clone will realize the
Client PC data is all between the sending and the Client
One OS and multi channel
OS the same with the Master PC. In
this process, you can select the whole
OS、one partition or custom partitions combination
mode, and only copy the difference data
The one OS multi channels technology allows administrator creating
**6 channels OS from one real OS in the Master PC(every channel OS
will be with different software installed),and every channel can
protect and recovery by itself.
Multi accounts
Os-easy card free allows building
multiple accounts for every administrator, different account
assigns different operating rights to use recovery card, pc
classroom administrator can assign the maintenance rights to others
to manage the PC classroom together.
Assets management
You can control and manage all
software、hardware assets of the
student PCs, find and deal with it during assets
Classroom management
Teacher not only can remote monitor
student screen and lock it, but also can send message and file to
students, which is helpful for the communication of teachers and
Clone continuous
Sometimes you clone are stopped for
PC or network malfunctions in your clone process, you can continue
clone from the break off point by the clone continuous
function in the next time when PC and network is
Support **2 PCs' Add clone with fast
Breakthrough the Vlan restriction,
you can vary clone from 1 PC to **2 PCs, and speed reaches to
Dynamic show the malfunction
During vary clone, you can examine
all the computers’ status, and show the lowest ones in the control
screen. And you can take actions to them by exactly find the
malfunctions point.