triangular bandage is a large triangle of cotton cloth, gauze or
cloth with good absorption and air permeability and no damages to
skin. Non-woven triangular bandage is suitable for enswathing
up large wounds, irregular parts of the body wounds. It is the
enswathement dressing which is widely used. After professional
emergency rescue training or professional skills training, the
rescuers can use it to wrap almost any part of the body's wound, so
almost all of the emergency bags are equipped with triangular
*Bande Triangulaire Non tissee
*Dreiecktuch Vliess
*Venda triangular No-tejido
*Triangolo bendaggio Non-telata
*Driekante doek vezelvlies
*Trekantet bandage Uvaevet
*Mitella non-woven
*kolmioliina kuitukangas
*Fatle/Trekant tortle,non-woven
*Bandaz na ramie do podtrzymywania reki (temblak)