30500 Krasniy Oktyabr street 116, Kursk, Kursk region
Export Mazut Oil | Mazut M**0 Suppliers | Mazut Fuel Exporters |
Mazut Oil Traders | Wholesale Mazut Fuel | Buy Mazut Fuel | Bulk
Mazut Fuels | Mazut Fuel Buyer | Low Price Mazut Fuel | Import
Mazut Fuel | Mazut Fuel Importers | Mazut Fuel Buyers | Mazut Fuel
Importer | Buy Mazut Fuel | Mazut Fuel BuyerThis kind of oil is
graded as the heavy furnace oil. The product is produced from the
remains of raw oil processing. This kind of mazut is produced only
from the low sulphur raw oil. Origin country for this kind of mazut
is only Russia.
Westerners that do not work in heavy industry (or don’t have close
friends or family in heavy industry), aside from failing to
recognize mazut, might fail to even realize that fuel-oils are a
distinct category of petroleum products with a direct impact on
their quality of life.
Mazut fuel oil – which are relatively ‘heavy’ (in the sense
that the product is dense, energy rich, and produces lots of carbon
byproducts when combusted) oils left over from the petroleum
process (which yields products western consumers are more familiar
with, such as gasoline, propane and butane) that are commonly used
to drive extremely heavy machines.
The top consumers of fuel oil in the world are power generation
facilities, the heavy shipping industry, and individuals with
mazut-consuming boilers throughout the East.
There are four distinct grades of mazut fuel oil – Very Low Sulfur,
Low Sulfur, Normal, and High Sulfur – which range between 0.**5 and
0.**5 in sulfur content. The amount of sulfur affects how clean the
oil burns, and in turn the emissions it creates, and the amount of
buildup that accumulates within the engines and furnaces that burn
it. Further, in some cases the amount of sulfur found in mazut M
**0 cannot be helped at all, given the natural variations in
chemical contaminants that are found in various oil fields. Though
oil occurs naturally throughout the world, it seldom (if ever)
occurs in the exact same form in two different drilling sites. Each
site will yield different mineral and chemical contents in its oil
content. The simple fact is – it is too expensive and sometimes
technically impossible to remove all sulfur from the most
contaminated sources.