Product Description We Philanthropist mineral factory
produce Sepiolite powder and Sepiolite fibre
0f**5mm,**8mm,**9mm and so on.
1 Fire-resisting sepiolite powder
2 Strict quality control
3 Rasonable price
4 Hardness: **2.5
5 Color: White or light grey
Sepiolite is a very uncommon clay a typical formula for which *
*(*)*@********************h its peculiar characteristics
and scarce occurrence. There are very few commercial deposits in
the world. The high surface area and porosity of sepiolite account
for the remarkable adsorptive and absorptive properties of this
Asbestos free grade, general grade
Sepiolite fibre: **3mm, **5mm, **7mm,
Sepiolite down: **2mm
Sepiolite powder: *0mesh, **0mesh, **0mesh, **0mesh,
Note: The size should be adjusted according to customers
Data for reference
Element: Sio2 MGO al2o3 fe2o3 cao k2o sand
Content%: ****5 ****5 0.**2.5 0.**2.5 ****5 0.**0.5 **4
1. It can be used to purify oils, to make medical casing, to make
organic coolant in refining atomic reactor, to absorb radioactiove
waste. The processed sepiolite mixed with some active carbon is an
ideal material in marking filtertip of
2. Mixed with cement, it heples to reduce contraction and leave no
gaps an leak no water. Added to painter, the painter can form a
sediment to improve its quality.
3. Itacan bused as the fine mud material in well drilling
Heat, for petroleum and halite. It is particuliary applicable for
deep well
4. It can be used to make soap and detergent in theplace of fatty
To improve quaility and clearance.
5. Used as additives of cosmetics, it can absorb bacteria. Maixed
with glass fibre, sepiolite can be made into inorganic
noncombustible paper.
6. It can be used to improve the soil as suspended agent in
fertilizers an carrier of farm chemicals. It can also be used as
additive of fodder, coherent agent, improving agent for animals,
oil-cliearing agentin fodder siters,
7. It can beused to produce original device of sepical pottery,
atomic radiation-resistant apparatus in making atomic energy,
rockets and satellite.
8. It is the raw material for fire-resissting apparatus and
clothing.Philanthropist mineral factory