Because the waste oil contain too much contamination, including
non-hydrocarbon, alkene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, metal
hydronium, impurities, metal particles, asphaltene and colloid etc.
and due to the traditional technology only can refine the waste oil
to base oil, can't use directly, so our company is researching the
new technology about distilling machine, which can distill all
kinds of waste oil into clean oil, easy to operation, and the lower
operation cost.
It's easy to produce waste residue and bad smelling by traditional
vitriol distilling, which will bring potential secondary
pollution, moreover, it's easy to change the color to black and
produce the odor due to the recycled oil react with the oxygen. But
after we use the alkaline complex catalyst refines the oil, the
recycled oil haven't change the color and haven't create the odor.
What's more important, you can use the resid to be as the fuel to
heating the oil, without any pollution. And the machine is easy to
operate, only **2 workers can control the machine.