Human hair
1. Human
hair colors:
Dark colors:
#1, #1B, #2, #4, #6, #7, #8.
Light colors:
#*0, #*2, #*4, #*6, #*8, #*2, #*4, #*7, #*0, #*3, #*4, #*4, #*1,
#**0, #**4, #**0, #**0, #**0, #**0, #**3, #*0, #**0, #**0, #*9J,
#Blue, #L.blue, #Yellow, #Green, #Bur, #Fachsia, #Pink, #Violet,
#Red, #Orange, #Purple, #Platinum.
Mixed colors:
Two colors or three colors are mixed, such as #M 8&*2&*0,
#M 8&**3 and so on.
Piano colors:
Two colors or three colors are mixed like the piano keyboard, such
as #P 4&*2, #P 2&*7 and so on. The piano colors especially
are used for hair weft, clip-in hair extensions, skin weft and
wigs. If pre-bonded hair with piano colors, it can not be very
popular and nice.
2. Length: *2"-
*0" size is available.
3. Styles
available: Silky Straight Weaving(STW), Silky Straight Bulk &
Braiding(STB), Super weaving(SW), Super Bulk(SB), Water
Weaving(WW), Regular Wave Weaving(RW), Regular Wave Bulk &
Braiding(RB), New Deep weaving(NDW), New Deep bulk &
Braiding(NDB), Premium Yaki(y) Weaving(YW), Premium Yaki(y) Bulk
& Braiding(YB), Body Wave(BW), Jerry Curl(JC), and other styles
can be produced according to your requirements
Human hair