NO 3, ZhongNan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei
We can supplier Inorganic Chemical, Organic Chemicals,
Fertilizers. (Guar gum) - Applications include:Baked goods (guar gum) -
increases dough yield, gives greater resiliency, and improves
texture and shelf life; in pastry fillings, it prevents "weeping"
(syneresis) of the water in the filling, keeping the pastry crust
crisp.Dairy (guar gum) -
thickens milk, yogurt, kefir, and liquid cheese products; helps
maintain homogeneity and texture of ice creams and sherbets.Meat (guar gum) - functions as
lubricant and binder.Dressing
and sauces (guar gum) - improves the stability and appearance
of salad dressings, barbecue sauces, relishes, ketchups and
others.Misc (guar gum) -
Dry soups, instant oatmeal, sweet desserts, canned fish in sauce,
frozen food items and animal feed.