this inks got unique ink formulation for critical thin film
printing ,customized keeping in view the end use and
application,same time we have considered different feedback
from printers for different kind of printing machines
type,film,solvent system and end use.
we have adopted proper dispersion of pigments,vehicle(binder) and
correct solvent in formulation and batch production is necessary to
preserve the liquid in colloidal status and this mixer and paste
should gives good print and adhesion on film
costing and consumption is important factor to decide the value of
the inks in component of costing
there are high optical brightness organic pigment,dry powder
available with pigment manufacturer and light fastness of such
organic pigment is important as well the dispersion ability with
different vehicle is important characteristic to choose , we count
the part of pigment *0 to *2 in finish inks and strength of finish
inks must be high on low viscosity and greater the flow,
vehicle and binder used is acquired on the basis of solution flow
property and dispersion ability with pigment,the grinding media and
time for grinding this mixer equally important .
unavailability of any specific resin doesn't scare us ,we use
optional resins for formulation,