Local skin care and cosmetics for the body cargo
(1). Smooth finewrinkles, shrinkpores
(2).Makethe skinmoist.
(3). Enhance lymphatic and bloodcirculation
(4).Get rid of facial redness
(5). Eliminate slow acne scars
(6). Promote collagen and cell activation
(7). Improve skin activity and toughness
WholleBody or PartWeightReductiion
(1). Increase the speed ofmetabolism, speed upthe bodyto
excretewaste and
(2). Reduce stretchmarks
(3). Relaxmuscles, relievemuscle spasms, relievemuscle pain
(4). To tightenmuscles of the arms, legs, thighs, buttocks, lower
back, abdominal
muscles, re-shaping body contour.
(5). Effectively improve the orange peel-like skin of
thebuttocksand thighs,while
also helps in postpartumor after effect of liposuction in the
abdomen area.