Aircon scrubbers are air pollution control devices that use a
high-energy liquid spray to remove aerosol and gaseous pollutants
from an air stream. The gases are removed either by absorption or
chemical reaction. In addition to fume and gas abatement, scrubbers
may be used for process air cleaning and dust
Aircon scrubbers are commonly used to help control emissions
of sulfur into the atmosphere. This is of particular interest to
those involved with electric power generation via combustion of
coal. The gases that are emitted from the combustion process are
passed through tanks containing a lime substance (often a limestone
slurry) that can capture and neutralize the sulfur dioxide.
scrubbers are differentiated by the manner in which they remove
gases and particulates from the air; either wet or dry. Wet
scrubbers literally wash dust and particles out of the air. Exhaust
air is forced into a spray chamber, where fine water particles
cause the dust to drop from the air stream. The dust-laden water is
then treated to remove the solid material and is often
recirculated. Dry scrubbers are used more commonly with acid
gases. The pollutant is collected on or in a solid or liquid
material, which is injected into the gas stream. A dry scrubber
produces a dry product that must be collected downstream from this
control device.