Aircon fume extraction system is the real solution for green
revolution. With the increase in discharge of hazardous waste from
various chemical process, environmental safety has been a great
concern. At present the increase environmental awareness requires a
good scrubbing and fume extraction system which is inevitable and
mandatory part of all chemical process as well as material handling
plant that may pollute atmosphere beyond permissible limit.
Industries which need fume extraction system: acid manufacturers,
aluminum plants, acid wash plants, iron ore, chemicals, foundaries,
paper and pulp, fertilizer, acid washing before galvanizing,
galvanizing plants, waste water treatment.
Following are some of its essential features:
• Corrosion resistant
• Dimensionally accurate
• Durable
• High in performance
• Cost effective
• Perfectly suitable for temperature (up to **0 c) dust &
all types of fumes