The Western Rock Lobster is commonly referred to as the "spiny rock
lobster" as its shell is covered with sharp, thorny spines and
short bristles. They do not have claws but rather feature long
feelers on the antennae and smooth horns over the eyes. They
typically live in reef or rocky habitats in the warm, clean and
prestine waters off the Western Australian coastline. The
catchment area spans some *0,**0 square kilometers in some of the
roughest, most isolated oceans of the world and provides and
ideal location to produce natural and succulent lobsters.
The Western Rock Lobster Fishery is well managed ensuring the
sustainability of the lobster and preservation of the ocean
At Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative, our aim is to deliver
premium quality "Brolos" brand Western Rock Lobster to our
customers, through effective management and marketing and a strong
commitment to research and development.