Ethyl acetate is used primarily as a solvent and diluent, being
favored because of its low cost, low toxicity, and agreeable odor.
The main uses of Ethyl acetate are in the manufacture of
nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate lacquers and as a solvent
component in adhesives and in spread-coating compounds for
artificial leather. It may be used in organic syntheses (esters,
drugs) and as an extractant (extraction of water from foods in a
vacuum) and cleaner (paint solvent). Ethyl acetate may also be used
as a gelling agent in the manufacture of powder, as an essence and
perfume, as a denaturant, as an auxiliary in the manufacture of
glazed and transparent paper and as an additive to polishes. Ethyl
acetate may be used as a solvent for the isocyanate component of
catalysed lacquers etc. In the construction sector Ethyl acetate
may be used as a hardener for the alkali-sodium silicate stabilizer
(alkali silicates) employed in soil stabilization by the soil
injection technique.