This is LL***1 panoramic elevator/observation lift/sightseeing
elevator. Syney observation elevator series are widely used
nowadays. In hotels, business places and office buildings, you all
can see Syney panoramic elevator silently transporting colorful
passengers up and down, adding beautiful sights to buildings. Our
lift distincts itself in automatic timing switch and safety device,
offering passengers steady moving up and down.
Canopy: baked enamel steel
Observation wall: laminated glass, thickness: 6*6
Ceiling: mirror finished stainless steel frame and acrylic
Car panel: laminated glass, thickness 6*6 and hairline finished
stainless steel
Handrail: flat stainless steel
Rate weight (kg): **0, **0, ***0, ***0
Speed (m/s): 1.0, 1.5, 1.*5, 2.0