Oak broom, nothing ustapaet birch broom. Though oak leaves little
worse absorb the sweat, but stronger than oak broom birch and can
prolong the pleasure of visiting the steam bath for a few times.
Large oak leaves: the broad, dense, they are well-injected steam,
steamed broom like a fan, light and durable. So broom usually used
by those who like a good warm-up steam bath, pour yourself a high
fever. In oak leaves contain taraksaron and (*-sitosterol,
quercetin and tannin to *1%. Oak broom has astringent,
anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and styptic properties. A fresh
shredded oak leaves can be applied to purulent wounds for healing.
Aqueous 2% - solution oak leaf extract was tested in the complex
treatment of septic disease of newborns. analysis of treatment
results showed that taking into solution helps significantly reduce
the period of fever and intoxication, prevents the development of
complications. During the next **2 years in these children is much
less likely to have severe respiratory and intestinal disorders.
Oak broom usually harvested in June - September in damp, shaded oak
groves, where there are large mugs, oak branches, torn in places,
especially durable. This oak broom in doubles almost flies. And the
rugged broom is obtained from the winter oak. This oak tree whose
leaves do not fall off in the winter