This product is a new type of
active biological stuffing for environmental protection, knitted of
naturally curling elastic tube-like braid loops by adopting a
special technique. The product is hydrophilic, oleophylic, highly
absorptive(**0% or**0% as absorptive as other stuffings), and fast
to film(*0% faster than other stuffings). A large quantity of
organisms propagate on the braid stuffing as its specific surface
is larger. The product is also resistant to erosion, easy to
install, and causes no stoppage. Meanwhile, as the stuffing is
under constant action of air and water current, the organic film is
constantly renewed, and the organic activity and the efficiency of
mass transfer is high. As a result, this stuffing can raise the
efficiency of water purification by ****0%.
The many varieties and specifications can satisfy various
situations (aerobic, anaerobic, or facultative), to enable micro
organisms to make the best of their functions.