Pitted Prunes
Process:the fruits
are harvested when they have reached their industrial maturity.
They are transported to the establishment, wash, are classified and
are placed on trays on special trolleys, which are introduced in
drying tunnels. There, drying is done with heat through air and
exhaust from the burning of natural gas. Once dried, the fruit is
stored in barns to the shelter of the humidity, insects and
rodents, until the time of the preparation for the fractionation.
The prunes are classified by size, then wash by dipping and
spraying, be homogenised moisture acquired the desired values and
then was descarozan. Then it is tenderized in autoclaves with live
steam. Finally, they submerge tender plums in a preservative
polishing solution formed by glucose, glycerin and potassium
sorbate; they drain and then packaged.
Ingredients and additives in
Plum without stone:
*9.*5% Glycerin: 0.*5% Life and conservation