Red Clover Extract Latin Name :Trifolium pretense L. Botanical Source :Trifolium pretense L. Part Used: Leave &Flower Appearance :Brown or Dark Turquoise powder Active Ingredient:Isoflavones,including Abiochanin A,Formononetin,Daidzein,Genistein,Sission,Ononin,Daidzin,Genistein etc. Specification:Isoflavones 2.5%**0% Test Method:HPLC Application: It used as dietary supplements for their high content of isoflavone compounds -which possess weak estrogenic activity and have been associated with a variety of health benefits during menopause. It is one of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems and it is mainly used in preventing cancer, such as breast, prostate cancer and colon cancer. it is mainly used in preventing cancer, such as breast, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Packed in paper-drums .Storage: Stored in a cool and dry well-closed container. Keep away from moisture and strong light/ heat.