The Immunoglobulin M Test Kit (Immunoturbidimetric Assay), IGM is a
quantitative turbidimetric test for the measurement of IgM in human
serum or plasma.
Anti-human IgM antibodies when mixed with samples containing IgM,
form insoluble complexes. These complexes cause an absorbance
change, dependent upon the IgM concentration of the patient sample,
that can be quantified by comparison from a calibrator of know IgM
For in vitro diagnostic use only.【Applied analyzer】
Spectrophotometer or biochemical analyzer with **0nm
Fresh serum or plasma. Do not use highly hemolized or lipemic
samples. If not determine in time, store at **0 ℃. Avoid repeat
freezing and melting.
1. Assay method:two point,wavelength **0nm
2. Application on chemistry analyzer:
Sample Reagent(R1/R2) Temperature Reaction
3μL **0μL/*0μL *7℃ **0s./ **0s.
Unit Reaction Direction Standard curve simulation
g/L Positive Multi point calibration, non-linearity
calibration mode
3.Determination: Add 3uL samples into **0μL R1,mix thoroughly and
incubate the cuvette at *7℃for **0 seconds. Read the
absorbance A1 against the blank.. Then mix *0μL R2 thoroughly and
incubate the cuvette for **0 seconds, read the absorbance A2. The
absorbance of complex is △A(A*-A1).
Note: different chemistry analyzer has own specifications, but
should be subject to the basic specifications herein above,
and the kit could be used after setting on the chemistry