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联系人 Rudayna

Brecia, Brecia, Other



for more details you can contact us through Email or phone then we will send you the list with photo this is bankrupt in Italy and we will sell it to the best offer we will get it. Also you can ask to come for see and check it on floor of warehouse N.Inv. Descrizione Marca Costo Storico Valore Stima N.Inv. Description Brand Historical Cost Value Estimates MACCHINARI ED ATTREZZATURE – REPARTO FALEGNAMERIA MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - DEPARTMENT WOODWORK 5 Strettoio CF ***0 junior COMIL 5 Clamp CF ***0 junior COMIL **0 6 Carteggiatrice a nastro SPG *0 6 Sanding belt SPG 7 Calibratrice a due rulli CL2NT***0 Completa di ruliere ed accessori SCB ***0 7 Calibrating two rollers CL2NT***0 Complete ruliere and accessories SCB ***0 ***0 8 Pressa SSDCP ***0kg STEMAS 8 Press SSDCP ***0kg STEMAS **0 9 Pressa SSCP STEMAS 9 Press SSCP STEMAS **0 MACCHINARI ED ATTREZZATURE – REPARTO VERNICIATURA MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - PAINTING DEPARTMENT *0 Cabina di verniciatura a mano – vecchio modello **0 *1 Linea di verniciatura CSF**0 composta da: CEFLA FALCIONI *****0 ****0 Cabina di verniciatura a mano N.2 Trasportatori Alzatori Spruzzatore automatico 4 pistole KLEENSPRY Forno COMBO Impianto di miscelazione verniciatura a controllo elettronico compreso quadri elettrici ed accessori. *0 "Spray booth by hand - old model " **0 Painting line CSF**0 consists of: CEFLA FALCIONI *****0 ****0 Paint booth hand Ranked # 2 Transporters lifters Automatic sprinkler 4 guns KLEENSPRY Oven COMBO Mixing plant coating including electronic control cabinets and accessories. MACCHINARI ED ATTREZZATURE – REPARTO FALEGNAMERIA MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - DEPARTMENT WOODWORK *2 Troncatrice FC**0 R SUPER – vecchio modello *2 Miter FC**0 R SUPER - old model *5 *3 Toupie con avanzamento manuale SCM T**0C SCM *3 Spindle moulders with manual feed SCM T**0C SCM **0 ELENCO MACCHINARI ED IMPIANTI GENERICI LIST OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GENERAL *4 Sega circolare squadratrice a carrello NCS **0 RGA *4 Panel Saw to cart NCS **0 RGA **0 *5 Combinata C*5 SCM **0 *5 Combined C*5 SCM **0 *6 Centro di lavoro punto – punto a controllo numerico ROVER *4 BISSE ****2.*1 *6 Machining center point - point numerical control ROVER *4 BISSE ****2.*1 ****0 *7 Bordatrice lineare monopala ERGHO 5 POLYMAC ***0 *7 Edgebanding linear single-blade ERGHO 5 POLYMAC ***0 ***0 *8 Pialla a filo FC**0 RGA *8 Planer FC**0 RGA **0 *9 Foratrice manuale a banco LUTAN **0 *9 Bench drilling machine manual LUTAN **0 *0 Bordatrice per curvi con in testatore SINGLE *9N POLYMAC **0 *0 Edgebanding for curved with testator in SINGLE *9N POLYMAC **0 *1 Rifilatore COPYROUND **9S POLYMAC *1 Trimmer COPYROUND **9S POLYMAC **5 *2 Rifilatore SPEEDY *0 POLYMAC *2 Trimmer SPEEDY *0 POLYMAC **0 *3 Spessoratrice a filo S**0 SICAR *3 Thickness flush S**0 SICAR **0 *4 Centro di lavoro punto – punto a controllo numerico ROVER **1 R BISSE ****0 *4 Machining center point - point numerical control ROVER **1 R BISSE ****0 ***0 *5 Levigatrice automatica a doppio nastro CAT/D*2 TAGLIABUE ***0 *5 Automatic double belt sander CAT/D*2 TAGLIABUE ***0 ***0 *6 Squadra – bordatrice doppia automatica HORIZON ***0 OLIMPIC *****0.*2 *6 Team - Dual Beading automatic HORIZON ***0 OLIMPIC ****0.*2 ***0 *7 Sazionatrice SMART SP *5mm GVISION ***0x***0 Completa di accessori. GIBEN ****0 ****0 *7 Sectioning SMART SP *5mm GVision ***0x***0 Complete with accessories. GIBEN ****0 ****0 IMPIANTI GENERICI GENERAL PLANT *0 Compressore Rotorlife RL*0 *7kw CECCATO *0 Compressor *7kw Rotorlife RL*0 CECCATO ***0 *1 Compressore CRA*0H *7kw CECCATO *1 Compressor CRA*0H *7kw CECCATO ***0 *2 Essiccatore Drylife DL*0 *7kw CECCATO *2 Dryer Drylife LD*0 *7kw CECCATO **0 *3 Essiccatore MDX ***0 MARX ***0 *3 Dryer MDX ***0 MARX ***0 ***0 *4 Serbatoio per aria compressa ***0 litri SICC *0 *4 Air tank ***0 liters SICC *0 *5 Impianto di aspirazione a scarico contiruo delle polveri FSC/**4 BARUCCA ****8.*7 *5 System of aspiration to unloading contiruo of the powders FSC/**4 BARUCCA ****0 MEZZI PER MOVIMENTAZIONE MEANS FOR HANDLING OF GOODS *6 Carrello elevatore elettrico 4 rute R*0 RFG 1,5/***1 portata ***0kg Completo di caricabatterie FBM TR STILL ***7.*3 *6 Electric forklift 4 rute R*0 RFG 1.5 / ***1 capacity ***0kg Complete with charger FBM TR *0A STILL ***7.*3 ***0 *7 "Carrello elevatore elettrico 4 rute MU *0 DB portata ***0kg Completo di caricabatterie FBM TRAK *0A Necessita sostituzione pacco batterie " PUCCI ****0 *7 Electric forklift 4 rute MU *0 DB capacity ***0kg Complete with charger FBM TRAK *0ANecessita replacement battery pack PUCCI ****0 ***0 *8 Carrello elevatore elettrico 3 rute FB*5 portata ***0kg Completo di caricabatterie FBM senco GS**4 *0A NISSAN ****0 *8 Electric forklift FB*5 3 rute capacity ***0kg Complete with charger FBM senco GS *0A**4 NISSAN ****0 ***0 *9 Carrello elevatore elettrico 4 rute ECO/KD *0.1 portata ***0kg Completo di caricabatterie GM CBTMPB **0° CESAB ***0.4 *9 Electric forklift 4 rute ECO / KD *0.1 capacity ***0kg Complete with charger GM CBTMPB **0A CESAB ***0 ***0 *0 Sollevatore elettrico con rulliera ELECAR ****8E portata ***0kg CRAM **0 *0 Electric lift with roller ELECAR ****8E capacity ***0kg CRAM **0 *1 Sollevatore elettrico con rulliera PUCCI *1 Electric lift with rollers PUCCI *0 *2 Transapallet manuale con bilancia conta pezzi TSB Bilancia non funzionante CARR-EFFE *0 *2 Transapallet manual with parts counting scales TSB scale not working CARR-EFFE *0 *3 Trans pallet manuale *3 Trans manual pallet *5

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Rudayna < RSH-trade7 >
